Uses of Class

Packages that use Point3D Linear algebra classes and utilities for the three dimensional space. 
y25.layout Extends layered graphs with layout information. 
y25.view Enriches layered layout graphs with realizers and handles rendering through OpenGL. 
y25.view.realizer Implementations of realizers. 

Uses of Point3D in

Fields in declared as Point3D
protected  Point3D
          The point this camera looks at.
protected  Point3D BoundingBox.min
          The point with the smallest x,y,z-coordinates that is still inside the bounding box.
protected  Point3D BoundingBox.max
          The point with the biggest x,y,z-coordinates that is still inside the bounding box.

Methods in that return Point3D
 Point3D Vector3D.getPoint3D()
          Returns a Point3D with the same x,y,z entries as this vector.
 Point3D Transform.apply(Point3D p)
          Applies this transform to the passed point and returns a reference to that point.
 Point3D Transform.getApplied(Point3D p)
          Applies this transform to a copy of the passed point and returns the copy.
 Point3D Point3D.set(float xx, float yy, float zz)
          Sets this point to the given coordinates and returns a reference to this point.
 Point3D Point3D.set(Point3D p)
          Sets this point to the same coordinates as the passed one and returns a reference to this point.
 Point3D Point3D.set(Vector3D v)
          Sets this point to the same coordinates as the passed vector and returns a reference to this point.
 Point3D Point3D.translate(Vector3D v)
          Translates this point by the given vector.
 Point3D Point3D.getTranslated(Vector3D v)
          Creates a copy of this point, translates it by the given vector and returns the copy.
static Point3D Point3D.lerp(Point3D a, Point3D b, float amount)
          Performs a linear interpolation between two points.
static Point3D Graphics3D.project(Point3D p, Vector3D dir, Point3D origin, Vector3D normal)
          Projects a point p along the direction dir onto the plane that is defined by (origin,normal).
 Point3D Camera.getScreenCoordinates(Point3D p)
          Returns the screen coordinates of the passed point.
 Point3D Camera.getHUDCoordinates(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Point3D p)
          Returns the HUD-Coordinates of the passed point.
 Point3D Camera.getPosition()
          Returns the position of the camera.
 Point3D Camera.getTarget()
          Returns the viweing target of this camera.
 Point3D BoundingBox.getCenter()
          Returns the center of this bounding box.
 Point3D BoundingBox.getMin()
          Returns the point with the smallest x,y,z-coordinates that still lies inside the bounding box.
 Point3D BoundingBox.getMax()
          Returns the point with the biggest x,y,z-coordinates that still lies inside the bounding box.

Methods in with parameters of type Point3D
 Vector3D Vector3D.set(Point3D p)
          Interprets the passed point as a vector and sets this vector accordingly..
 Vector3D Vector3D.set(Point3D from, Point3D to)
          Sets this vector to point from from to to.
static Transform Transform.lookAt(Point3D pos, Point3D look, Vector3D up)
          Creates a transform that can be used as a viewing transform that has the same effect as the OpenGL gluLookAt() routine.
 Point3D Transform.apply(Point3D p)
          Applies this transform to the passed point and returns a reference to that point.
 Point3D Transform.getApplied(Point3D p)
          Applies this transform to a copy of the passed point and returns the copy.
 Point3D Point3D.set(Point3D p)
          Sets this point to the same coordinates as the passed one and returns a reference to this point.
static Point3D Point3D.lerp(Point3D a, Point3D b, float amount)
          Performs a linear interpolation between two points.
static void Graphics3D.drawCylinder(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Point3D fromm, Point3D too, float radius, int sides, boolean capped)
          Draws a cylinder.
static void Graphics3D.drawCylinder(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Vector3D fromDir, Point3D from, Point3D to, Vector3D toDir, float radius, int sides, boolean capped)
          Draws a cylinder with a tilted top and bottom.
static void Graphics3D.drawCone(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Point3D tipp, Point3D basee, float radius, int sides, boolean capped)
          Draws a cone.
static Point3D Graphics3D.project(Point3D p, Vector3D dir, Point3D origin, Vector3D normal)
          Projects a point p along the direction dir onto the plane that is defined by (origin,normal).
 Point3D Camera.getScreenCoordinates(Point3D p)
          Returns the screen coordinates of the passed point.
 Point3D Camera.getHUDCoordinates(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Point3D p)
          Returns the HUD-Coordinates of the passed point.
 Vector3D Camera.toCamera(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Point3D from)
          Returns a vector that points to the camera.
 void Camera.setPosition(Point3D pos)
          Sets the position of this camera.
 void Camera.setTarget(Point3D p)
          Sets the viewing target of this camera to the passed point.
 BoundingBox BoundingBox.include(Point3D p)
          If necessary, enlarges this bounding box to include the passed point.

Constructors in with parameters of type Point3D
Vector3D(Point3D p)
          Creates a vector by interpreting the passed point as a vector and copying its coordinates.
Vector3D(Point3D from, Point3D to)
          Creates a vector that points from point from to point to.
Point3D(Point3D p)
          Creates a point at the same position as the passed point.
BoundingBox(Point3D pmin, Point3D pmax)
          Creates a bounding box by specifying the points in 3D space with the smallest and biggest x,y,z-coordinates that are still inside the bounding box.

Uses of Point3D in y25.layout

Methods in y25.layout that return Point3D
 Point3D LayeredLayoutGraph.getPoint3D(Node n)
          Returns the position of the given node in three-dimensional space.

Uses of Point3D in y25.view

Methods in y25.view that return Point3D
 Point3D NodeRealizer25D.intersect(Point3D source, Point3D target, float nodeZ)
          Intersects a line segment with this node and returns the intersection point.

Methods in y25.view with parameters of type Point3D
 Point3D NodeRealizer25D.intersect(Point3D source, Point3D target, float nodeZ)
          Intersects a line segment with this node and returns the intersection point.

Uses of Point3D in y25.view.realizer

Methods in y25.view.realizer that return Point3D
 Point3D ShapeNodeRealizer25D.intersect(Point3D source, Point3D target, float nodeZ)
 Point3D DummyNodeRealizer25D.intersect(Point3D source, Point3D target, float nodeZ)

Methods in y25.view.realizer with parameters of type Point3D
 Point3D ShapeNodeRealizer25D.intersect(Point3D source, Point3D target, float nodeZ)
static void LabelPainter.paintGL(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Camera camera, YLabel label, Point3D pos)
          Renders the passed label into the given drawable.
 Point3D DummyNodeRealizer25D.intersect(Point3D source, Point3D target, float nodeZ)
static void ArrowPainter.paintGL(GLAutoDrawable drawable, Camera camera, Arrow arrow, Point3D tip, Vector3D tipToBase, float radius)
          Paints the given arrow into the given OpenGL context.